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Become a volunteer

Do you want to be part of an unforgettable event, a festival that engages the whole of Agder? Then you should sign up as a volunteer for Tall Ships Races in Kristiansand 2025.

As a volunteer, you will be part of an important team that ensures that crews and visitors have a fantastic experience in Kristiansand, and leave with many good memories. You will also become part of a large community, and build new relationships, networks and expertise. 

As a volunteer during Tall Ships Races Kristiansand 2025 you get:

  • Good training
  • Good memories and new acquaintances 
  • Unique Tall Ships Races products
  • Food and drink when you're on duty
  • Closing party after the event

Tall Ships Races is a large event with many different responsibilities and tasks. See which activities in the list below.

We are looking for volunteers for the following activities:

Liaison Officers (Lo)

The liaison officer is the link between the ship and the organization on land. This means that this person helps the crew on board with everything from practical questions to being a guide who can show the local area on land. This person can advantageously be boat-savvy, independent and solution-oriented. LOs are expected to be "hands-on" when it comes to responsibility and solve most tasks on their own or together with TSR-STAFF. An LO will first and foremost help the crew on board to find their way around the city, show the way and inform about what activities are available in Kristiansand.

As LO you must be over 25 years old. Language requirements: Norwegian, English. It is an advantage to be fluent in several languages.


STAFF has a service and support function. They work closely with the Liason Officer (LO) to solve practical tasks as needed, such as helping the ship's crew to order fuel bunkers, make repairs or procure provisions. 

Volunteer base (catering)

The Volunteer Base is where all volunteers can retreat, grab a bite to eat and have good conversations during the days. This team keeps the area clean and tidy, provides food and ensures a great atmosphere among the volunteers! The volunteer base is definitely a place where you meet many enthusiasts.

Quayside pilot

This section is for those who thrive on a variety of tasks and can help out where assistance is needed. There are no fixed tasks. You should enjoy both hectic and calm hours.


Infopoints is an important and enjoyable job. Infopoints are our foremost ambassadors and will often be the first meeting the public has with Tall Ships Races. It is important to be pleasant, service-minded and accommodating. This group handles all possible inquiries from the public - from informing about the program, ships, exhibitors to directions.

Well-being guard

The well-being guards assist the security company in keeping order and help to ensure that the audience and guests have a good and safe experience at Tall Ships Races.


Environmental workers get to experience a lot of what happens during the event when the area is kept clean and tidy. This mainly involves picking up litter and sorting waste.

Area rig

Professional suppliers are responsible for all the technical infrastructure in terms of area, stage and technical sound. But there will still be a need for carrying help and assistance with area rigging, e.g. stage, fences and tents. Here it is important to be able to handle heavy lifting.

Area rigging includes rigging up and down the event area.


A great event like the Tall Ships Races needs to be well documented. Volunteer photographers will assist the municipality's communications department by taking pictures of the big and small things that happen during the event. Photographers can be given specific tasks such as covering specific events, or it can be to capture great moments throughout the event. Photographers must adhere to the municipality's rules for photography and the use of consent.


Do you enjoy working behind the scenes? Working backstage is about being available to the artists. It means taking care of the artists and making backstage a nice place where they can recharge their batteries and get some food and drink.


This team helps to receive the sailing ships when they arrive and assists in ensuring safe mooring. When the ships leave, they also need some help to loosen the moorings. Experience with boats and mooring is an advantage here.

Frequently asked questions

Can I volunteer regardless of my age?

No, the age limit for volunteering at Tall Ships Races in Kristiansand is 18 years. We want a team of volunteers that reflects the entire age group from 18 years and up.

What are the requirements for a volunteer?

To be a volunteer at the Tall Ships Races, the individual is expected to be able to carry out their tasks. The days can be long, and for many it will involve a lot of walking and some heavy lifting. Otherwise, the individual is expected to show up at the agreed times, adhere to the signed contract and, not least, be motivated to create a fantastic event together!

Are meals and accommodation arranged for volunteers?

All volunteers receive food and drink during their shift. There is no accommodation in the event area for the volunteers. If someone needs accommodation, this must be arranged yourself. Please contact the project manager for guidance in this regard.

Can I choose where and when I want to work?

In the registration form, you can list your top three wishes for which areas you want to work in. We cannot guarantee your desired placement, as it depends on how many people register their wishes for the different tasks, and what kind of experience they have. If you don't get to work in the areas you want, we will contact you to find a solution.

We are looking for motivated volunteers. You can set up the times you want to work, but we cannot guarantee that you will get exactly the shifts you want most. As a volunteer, you can say yes or no to a shift, and we depend on you showing up at the agreed time. Should something unexpected happen, it is important that you contact your group leader as soon as possible so that we can try to find others to cover the shift.  

Can I work on the same task as my friends?

There are many shifts to be allocated and staffed. We try to accommodate everyone's wishes, but cannot guarantee this. 

Which languages should I know?

You should be fluent in Norwegian, and knowledge of English is an advantage - but not a requirement.

Will I get paid?

No, being a volunteer means giving of your time because you want to. Volunteering at Tall Ships Races is a great experience that is not paid in salary, but in new experiences, good memories and new acquaintances. In addition, volunteers receive unique Tall Ships Races products, food and drink during their shifts, and are invited to attend a large volunteer party after the event is over. 

Image of Become a volunteer

If you have any questions, please contact:

Phally Long Prum
Special consultant
Phone: 47 64 53 48
(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Image of Become a volunteer

If you have any questions, please contact:

Marianne Osmundsen Tronstad
Project manager
Phone: +47 94 13 20 42
(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Top image: The Tall Ships Races Tallinn