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May 14, 2024

The full rigger Sørlandet gets ready for the festival

The Fullriggeren Sørlandet Foundation was jubilant when they received the happy news that Sparebanken Sør is donating NOK 15 million to the fullrigger. This means that the ship will be ready for the Tall Ships Races in 2025.

- "This gift means that one of Norway's and Southern Norway's most significant cultural treasures can undergo the repairs needed to get the ship ready for the Tall Ships Races in Kristiansand in 2025.

So says a touched Knut Arne Gjertsen, CEO of the Fullriggeren Sørlandet Foundation. The foundation owns the training ship, which is the world's oldest full rigger in year-round operation. The almost 97-year-old ship needs extensive maintenance to renew its sailing license.

- The costs are estimated to be in excess of NOK 33 million, and after commitments from the municipality, county council and ministry, among others, there remained a financing requirement that we have worked hard to put in place. The ship must be placed at Bredalsholmen dock and vessel preservation center this summer, and the gift from Sparebanken Sør came just before the deadline for entering into the agreement with Bredalsholmen. We are extremely grateful!

Also good news for Tall Ships Races

Kristiansand Municipality's project manager for Tall Ships Races is also delighted that the Fullrigger Sørlandet will now be ready for the summer of 2025. That's when Kristiansand Municipality will arrange Tall Ships Races for the third time.

- "The municipality is a co-owner of Skoleskipet Sørlandet and we are therefore particularly relieved to hear the good news that the financing is in place. People in Southern Norway love this beautiful ship, and it will be extra special to have it as an attraction in the summer of 2025. It's really great that the ship will now be able to sail for many years to come," says Tall Ships Races 2025 project manager Marianne Osmundsen Tronstad, who extends a big thank you to Sparebanken Sør for providing the funding.
- "This has really come in handy now. We're really looking forward to inviting everyone to a fantastic festival with the school ship Sørlandet and all the other great sailing ships that will be coming to us next summer.

Anniversary gift to the region

The gift of NOK 15 million has been donated from the bank's gift fund in connection with Sparebanken Sør's 200th anniversary in 2024. Eva Kvelland, Executive Vice President for Marketing and Communication, says that the bank sees it as a gift to the entire region.

- "The Sørlandet training ship is culturally and historically important for the seafaring nation of Norway and for the region of which we are a part. We are pleased that this gift means that the school ship can be refurbished for the Tall Ships Races in 2025, and also that it can continue to give both Norwegian and international students the opportunity for a school year at sea. For us, this is a gift to the region in the year the bank turns 200!

To be or not to be

The work at Bredalsholmen is expected to take 3 to 4 months. The main challenges to be addressed are the condition of the hull, renewal of the main deck, rig maintenance and upgrading of the standing rigging. The deadline for renewal of the sailing permit for five years is August 12, 2025.

- "This is a make-or-break situation for us. The school ship Sørlandet is the foundation's only production factor, and if the certificate cannot be renewed, a crucial part of the income will cease. As the most authentic of the three Norwegian school ships, "Sørlandet" is also subject to extra strict protection requirements," says Gjertsen.