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September 8, 2022

Tall Ships Races in 2025

Kristiansand will be the host port for the Tall Ships Races in 2025. Up to half a million people attended the festival the last time the event was held in Kristiansand, in 2015.

- "It's great that Kristiansand, as the home of one of the three major sailing ships in the country, will host the Tall Ships Races in 2025. This will be a huge gathering of people in our city, and it was a success in both 2010 and 2015. In 2015, it was estimated that there had never been so many people in Kristiansand in so few days. Somewhere between 400,000 and 500,000 people visited the event back then," said Mayor Jan Oddvar Skisland when he announced the 2025 news.

He thanked the business community, which has so far committed to contributing NOK 5.6 million in cash, goods and services.

- "2025 is a long way off, so I think it's impressive that the business community has already made a commitment," said the mayor.

- "This is very pleasing news. It confirms our position as one of Norway's most attractive destinations," said Trond M. Backer, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce in the Kristiansand region.

He is looking forward to another festival for everyone, and says that the event is also important for attracting many tourists.

- "The fact that the Tall Ships Races are coming here is the result of another good collaboration between the business community and the public sector. Increased focus on Kristiansand is important for the business community, who believe they will get a return on their investment," said Backer.

In June, the city council decided to apply to become the host port in 2025, despite the fact that at the time there was a lack of sponsorship support compared to the target of NOK 6 million divided between money, goods and services. The municipality will pay up to NOK 8 million in direct support for the event.

- "The Tall Ships Races run from the beginning of July to mid-August, and we have applied to be the last port. We'll get the answer to that in November 2022," says Marianne Tronstad.